Mapei Ultraplan Maxi Levelling Compound is a ultra-fast drying self-levelling floor compound for thicknesses from 3 to 30 mm. Available in 25kg bags.
Classification according to EN 13813: Floors levelled with Mapei Ultraplan Maxi 3230 in accordance with the specifications described in this technical data sheet are classified as CT-C35-F7-A2FL according to EN 13813.
Mapei Ultraplan Maxi 3230 is used for levelling and smoothing differences in thicknesses from 3 to 30 mm on new or existing substrates, preparing them to receive all kinds of flooring where high resistance to loads and traffic is required. It is especially suitable for areas subject to caster wheels and underfloor heating systems. For interior use only.
Some application examples:
• Levelling screeds incorporating electric heating cables prior to laying ceramic tiles or resilient floors.
• Levelling concrete slabs and cementitious screeds or Topcem, Mapecem, Mapecem Pronto or Topcem Pronto based screeds.
• Levelling anhydrite substrates.
• Levelling over underfloor heating systems.
• Levelling existing concrete substrates, terrazzo, ceramic, natural stone and magnesite.
Mapei Ultraplan Maxi 3230 is a grey powder composed of rapid setting and hydrating special cements together with selected graded silica sand, resins and special additives, produced to a formula developed in the MAPEI Research and Development Laboratories.
Mixed with water Mapei Ultraplan Maxi 3230 becomes a highly fluid and easily workable mortar, with perfect self-levelling properties, and high adhesion to the substrate and ultra-rapid drying.
It can be applied with an automatic pressure pump for areas over 100 m. Mapei Ultraplan Maxi 3230 can be spread in thicknesses up to 30 mm per coat without shrinkage, cracking or crazing, and develops very high compressive and flexural strength, as well as resistance to indentation and abrasion.
Mapei Ultraplan Maxi 3230 is ready to receive the flooring as soon as it has dried: the time required depends on the thickness of the levelling layer, the environmental temperature and relative humidity and on the absorption of the substrate.
• Do not add more water to a mix which has already begun to set.
• Do not add lime, cement or gypsum to the mix.
• Do not use for exterior levelling works.
• Do not use on substrates subject to continuous rising damp.
• Do not use as a floating screed. The product must always be anchored to a solid substrate.
• Do not use on metal surfaces.
• Do not use when the temperature is below +5°C.
1.7 kg/m² per mm of thickness.
Technical Data:
Consistency: fine powder
Colour: grey
Bulk density (kg/m³): 1,300
Dry solids content (%): 100
EMICODE: EC1 R Plus – very low emission
Mixing ratio: 4.5-4.75 litres of water per 25 kg bag
Thickness per coat: from 3 to 30 mm
Self-levelling: yes
Density of the mix (kg/m³): 2,050
pH of mix: approx. 12
Application temperature range: from +5°C to +30°C
Pot life: 30-40 minutes
Setting time: 50-70 minutes
Set to light foot traffic: 3 hours
Waiting time before laying flooring: 1-3 days depending thickness ambient temperature
Click here to view this product on the Manufacturers website.
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