BAL Wall Tile Grout is a water/frost-resistant cementitious tile grout for walls, for joint widths up to 3mm. Designed for grouting ceramics and mosaics in dry or wet interior and exterior environments. Recommended for use in swimming pools. NOT suitable for: Power showers, food preparation/storage areas, and areas requiring waterproof grouting. NOTE: Use a BAL Epoxy grout in these cases.
BAL Wall Tile Grout has a pot life of 1 hour, cures in 24 hours (at 20°c).
BAL Wall Tile Grout comes in white only and is available in 3.5kg and 10kg bags.
Further applications for BAL Wall Tile Grout are possible by adding BAL Admix GT1 to provide flexibility, increased adhesion and high bond strength. Ratios: For plywood walls BAL Admix GT1 (diluted 1:1 with water)– For porcelain tiles BAL Admix GT1 (diluted 1:2 with water).
Before grouting, ensure that:
1. Tile adhesive has fully set, as indicated on adhesive packaging.
2. Open joints are protected from contamination – and are clean, dry and free from loose debris.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT use in temperatures below 5°C or in damp conditions.
If grouting porous tiles in temperatures above 25°C, dampen joints with clean water prior to grouting. If grouting externally, provide protection against inclement weather during grouting and for as long as possible afterwards. If grouting shower installations, BAL Wall Tile Grout is water-resistant but NOT impervious to water and is not a substitute for tanking systems.
Recommendations (showers):
– Provide waterproof tanking protection for tiling background substrates, particularly plaster or plasterboard (e.g. by using BAL Waterproofing Kit For Showers).
– Ensure tiles are fixed with a water-resistant adhesive (e.g. BAL White Star Plus or BAL Single Part Flexible adhesive).
1. Slowly add 3 parts powder to 1 part clean cold water by weight (e.g. 1kg powder with 0.3 litres water). Mix until smooth paste formed. NOTE: If using electric drill mixer, blend at slow speed (i.e. under 300rpm).
2. Wait 2-3 minutes, then briefly mix again. Avoid entraining air by mixing at too high speed or by over-mixing. Mixed grout working time at 20ºC: approx. 60 minutes.
NOTE: Do NOT add more water to mixed grout as this would reduce final strength. Working time/setting time will vary slightly with temperature: higher temperatures = shorter; lower temperatures = longer.
1. Check potential staining risk: apply BAL Wall Tile Grout to a few tiles in small trial area. If discolouration occurs or difficulties are encountered with cleaning off (surplus grout), apply BAL Protective Sealer – and repeat trial.
2. Work in small areas with a BAL Grout Float or squeegee. Completely fill tile joints with mixed grout and compact well, removing excess grout from tile surface as work proceeds.
3. Allow approx. 15 minutes for grout to dry before cleaning tile surface.
4. Using a dampened sponge or sponge board, clean surface diagonally to grout lines. Rinse out sponge/sponge board frequently with clean water.
5. When grout has set sufficiently within joints, polish tile surface with dry clean cloth OR give surface final wash with dampened sponge and clean cold water. NOTE: For maximum speed/ease, use a BAL Wash Boy.
6. Wait minimum 24 hours before subjecting tiles to normal service conditions.
NOTE: If completing a swimming pool, do NOT fill pool for at least 3 weeks after grouting (contact BAL Technical Advisory Service for further advice).
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